Topics: Events

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1972 - Central - view

political action

1972 - Central - view

rallies and protests

1972 - Central - view

Black Moratorium Committee

1972 - North West - view

The Tent Embassy campaign

1972 - North West - view

Activists demonstrate the authority for the Tent Embassy by making a journey through eastern NSW

1972 - Central - view

Aboriginal Medical Service raises funds to pay for buses to take protestors to Canberra

1972 - South Coastal - view

The Aboriginal Tent Embassy is erected

1972 - Central - view

The Aboriginal Housing Company (AHC) is formed based on the Block

1973 - Central - view

temporary accommodation to Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander people

1973 - Central - view

Aboriginal Housing Association is legally Incorporated

1973 - North West - view

Gooris and non Aboriginal supporters establish the Newcastle Aboriginal Advancement Society

1973 - North West - view

Demands for self determination and land rights become the vocal catch cries

1974 - Central - view

Art and Cultural Centre

1974 - Central - view

The playwright is a prisoner

1974 - Central - view

best Redfern All Black football sides

1974 - Central - view

world middleweight title

1974 - Central - view

Australian middleweight, light heavyweight, cruiserweight and heavyweight titles and Commonwealth middleweight and light heavy weight titles

1975 - Central - view

Aboriginal Housing Company

1975 - North West - view

As part of 150th anniversary celebrations, a monument is erected at the site where Threlkeld established his first mission in 1825

1975 - Central - view

Redfern Medical Service