Topics: Government policy: North West
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1860 - view
New reserves are created in response to high demand from Aboriginal people for land. The majority are located in areas chosen by Aboriginal people
1866 - view
Legislative Assembly over this “perversion of justice”. The governor intervenes and Mary Ann is released
1871 - view
The Minister for Lands issues instructions that Old Ned is not to be disturbed
1880 - view
Association for the Protection of Aborigines constituted
1883 - view
Aborigines Protection Board appointed
1887 - view
NSW Aboriginal Protection Board Report 1887
1889 - view
In 1889 the Minister of Lands proclaimed two reserves
1889 - view
NSW had been ‘without settled inhabitants or settled law’ and has been ‘ peacefully annexed to the British dominions
1889 - view
official land surveys
1890 - view
Albert Murphy who was granted some land
1890 - view
The APB reports that there are twenty acres under crop at St Clair in 1894 and that the population had grown to 76 in Singleton, about half of whom were childre
1891 - view
APB is assisting Aborigines at the reserve to build dwellings for themselves
1891 - view
Government Printer prints and/or re-prints three of Threlkeld’s works
1891 - view
District Returns of Aborigines
1894 - view
Parliamentarians responded by confirming Margaret’s life tenure of her holding at Pelican Flat
1896 - view
Sackville community applies to the APB for iron to roof a church
1897 - view
Government Reserve on the left bank of the Hawkesbury River
1898 - view
Aborigines Protection Board railway passes
1900s - view
Aborigines Protection Board (APB)
1900 - view