Frederick Barber is closely involved with the Australian Inland Mission and is selected as the first Aboriginal helper to trial as a missionary. His first post is Burnt Bridge Mission on the Macleay river. He also serves at Woolbrook, Long Gully, Tingha in 1934. While living in Armidale in 1930s he plays with and coaches the all-Aboriginal cricket team there. He is an accomplished singer and sings solo at the annual Australian Aborigines Conference in 1909. He is an excellent violin player. His sister Chrissy also plays the violin, having received lessons at Sackville Reach in their childhood.
The Aborigines Protection Board is empowered to remove and apprentice Indigenous children without a court hearing. From 1915 to 1939 the NSW Aborigines Protection Board, under the Aborigines Protection Act (1915, 1918, 1936) (NSW) is entitled to forcibly remove Indigenous children from their families without parental or court consent. This 1915 amendment to the Act also abolishes the minimum age at which Indigenous children can be apprenticed. Indigenous Australians' movement between reserves is strictly controlled and families are threatened with the removal of their children if they do not comply with the Board's orders.